DENTISTS – You Don’t Have to Give in to Defeat and Despair Any More, Join the Revolution...

“The Small Practice Revolution”
How to Win BIG in the War Against
Insurance and Discount Dentistry!

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Dear Doctor,

I know, it’s tough today.

To many Dentists, it seems like the war against BIG Insurance is over. It’s the age of Wal-Mart and the commoditization of dental care has become an unstoppable locomotive – steamrolling over the dreams of independent practices across North America.  So why fight it?  Why not submit, give in, give up?


Don’t fall prey to the dispensers of doom, gloom, and misery.  Even in today’s chaotic health care marketplace, open-minded and resourceful Dentists CAN forge a new path through the wilderness.  A path that leads to freedom from corporate control, cookie-cutter procedures, and low ball compensation.

It’s called: “The Small Practice Revolution” and consider this your invitation to JOIN the Movement! 

To help you get started, you can request your FREE Book & Audio CD  - where you’ll discover:

  • Why VOLUME of patients doesn’t inherently equal more money in your pocket(And the answer has nothing to do with accepting a flood of “discount dentistry deals” via Groupon or elsewhere.)
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  • A simple technique for generating solid financial results even in a less-than-wealthy community… why it’s a mistake to think you have to constantly chase an endless stream of Big Case dentistry “home runs” to succeed.
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  • How to exploit the little-known Achilles Heel of nearly all Corporate Dental Clinics – you can finally make your practice immune to their unfair assaults on your patients.
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  • The truth about Work-Life balance when working in a small practice – you’ve been lied to about your need to suffer long hours with no vacations as a solo practitioner and it’s time you got the REAL story.
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  • The RIGHT way to leverage reimbursements from big entities like Insurance and Medicaid to establish a prosperous, rewarding practice – you don’t have to fall prey to cost-cutting competitive pressures robbing you of the rewards you work so hard to achieve.
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  • And much, much, much more besides!

These resources are my gift to you – because the outpouring of response regarding this topic has blown past anything else I’ve ever done.  Given the level of concern out there today, I feel it’s almost my duty to provide this now.

From this point forward never let anyone ever tell you that just because you choose a ‘small’ practice model, it means you have to settle for ‘small’ dentistry. You don’t.  And you damn well sure don’t have to settle for ‘small’ income either.

Together, we can and will take back Dentistry and revolutionize and rebuild and reestablish the growth, profitability, and control of your practice and its future like never before!


Scott J. Manning, MBA
Dental Success Today


If you take action today, I’ll also provide you with a valuable and powerful Special Report & the Companion Resource to your free book: 

“7 Keys to Launching a Revolution Within YOUR Dental Practice…
So You Can Experience Greater Freedom, Fulfillment, and Prosperity Today”

This report lays out in an easy, step-by-step format, key actions you can take TODAY to ignite and experience “The Small Practice Revolution” in your life today.

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